Lookup Public Records in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Including Vital Birth and Death Records, Deeds, Probate, Property Records, Mortgages, Liens, Judgments, Marriage Licenses, Voter Registrar, Payroll, Military Discharges.

Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Overview

Lehigh County is located in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The county was formed in 1812 and named after Lehigh. The county seat is Allentown. According to the U.S. Census Bureau of 2015, the county has a population of approximately 360,685people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 348 square miles of which 345 square miles is land and 3.1 square miles is water. Lehigh County borders the following counties: Berks County to the west; Bucks County to the southeast; Carbon County to the north; Montgomery County to the south; Northampton County to the northeast and Schuylkill County to the northwest. Lehigh County has 38 zip codes. The zip codes are 18011, 18101, 18102, 18103, 18104, 18106, 18109, 18195, 18105, 18015, 18016, 18017, 18018, 18031, 18032, 18034, 18036, 18037, 18041, 18046, 18049, 18051, 18053, 19529, 19530, 18059, 18062, 19539, 18066, 18068, 18069, 18951, 18078, 18079, 18080, 18087, 18052 and 18092. The most populated zip code is 18102.

Lehigh County Clerk of Judicial Records Office Information

The Clerk of Judicial Records Office of Lehigh County consists of three divisions. They are:

  • Civil Division
  • Criminal Division
  • Register of Wills

Lehigh County Civil Division:

The Civil Division maintains all civil related Court records and carries out the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Case initiation for all Civil Case Types.
  • Docket, index, and scan all civil cases, family court cases, judgments, notes and liens.
  • Process Orders of Court.
  • Collect, process, and distribute funds to various individuals and agencies. (i.e., Department of Revenue, appeals, and divorce master fees, etc.)
  • Process and transmit cases to the appellate Courts.
  • Prepare writs upon precise (i.e., execution, attachment, seizure, summons, etc.)
  • Docket Protection from Abuse (PFA) case information, and prepare and transmit the PFA Data sheet to Pennsylvania State Police PFA Registry.
  • Maintain a list of approved surety companies for posting bonds.
  • Register Notary Public signature and prepare County Clerk Certificates.
  • Accept passport applications for processing by Passport Services.
  • Assist the Department of Homeland Security with the processing of applicants for Naturalization Citizenship and the Naturalization Ceremony in the Courtroom.

Other civil actions include:

  • Mortgage Foreclosure.
  • Automobile Accidents.
  • Appeal from Civil Magisterial District Judge Judgment.
  • Medical/Professional Liability Action.

Lehigh County Criminal Division:

The Criminal Division maintains all criminal related Court records and is responsible for the following:

  • Process case records for Adult and Juvenile criminal matters.
  • Collect bail (cash only for monetary bail), issue and distribute refunds, and maintain all records with respect to bail deposits. Maintain record of bail bond agencies;
  • Accept, process and record the filings of appeals to Higher Courts;
  • Assess court costs and prepare Certificate of Costs according to law for Lehigh County Bureau of Collections;
  • Accept, process and record the filing of Summary Appeals;
  • Accept, process and record the filing of Road Dockets;
  • Record and docket Administrative Court Orders;
  • Process, issue, and record Private Detective Licenses and Bonds;
  • Process Forfeitures;
  • Process, issue, and record Constables and Deputy Constables Bonds;
  • Process, issue, and record tax collectors bonds, oaths, and appointment;
  • Accept, process and record the filing of criminal Expungements;
  • Certify criminal court records;
  • Accept, process and record miscellaneous criminal motions and petitions such as liquor license appeals, municipal matters, etc.
  • Administer oaths to witnesses and defendants, document the Court’s dictation of orders and other proceedings (guilty pleas, ARD, DUI, bail, Gagnon hearings, etc.).

Lehigh County Register of Wills:

The primary responsibilities of the Register of Wills Office include the probate of estates and to act as an agent for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the collection of inheritance taxes.

The physical address of the Lehigh County Clerk of Judicial Records Office is:

Lehigh County Courthouse
Room 122
455 W. Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101-1614
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Passport applications are processed only between
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Andrea E. Naugle is the Clerk of Judicial Records of Lehigh County.

Lehigh County Clerk of Judicial Records Office Staffs:

Civil Division, Lehigh County Courthouse
Room 122
Chief Deputy Diana L. Dergham
Asst. Chief Deputy Tristan M. Bashour
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (610) 782-3148
Fax: (610) 871-2895

Criminal Division, Lehigh County Courthouse
Room 122
Toni A. Remer, Chief Deputy
Dena K. Dalmas, Assistant Chief Deputy
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (610) 782-3077
Fax: (610) 871-2896

Register of Wills Division, Lehigh County Courthouse
Room 122
Virginia Schuler, Chief Deputy
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (610) 782-3170
Fax: (610) 871-2895

Lehigh County Recorder of Deeds Office Information

The Recorder of Deeds Division primary responsibility is to maintain land records of property within Lehigh County. The Office also carries out the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Record and index Deeds and deed related documents (i.e., easement, right of way, covenant, restrictions, etc.)
  • Record and index Mortgages and mortgage related documents (i.e., satisfaction of mortgage, release, assignment, modification, subordination, etc.)
  • Record and index State Commissions and Bonds for Notary Publics and County Elected Officials
  • Record and index Military Discharge Papers (DD214).
  • Record and index Subdivision, Highway, Rail and Condo Maps.
  • Record and index Powers of Attorney.
  • Record and index Secured Transactions/Financing Statements/UCC.
  • Certify recorded documents.
    Maintain records of Charters of non-profit organizations.
    Collect and distribute Realty Transfer Tax to the Department of Revenue and the local municipalities and school districts.
    Collect funds and distribute proceeds to various agencies (i.e., Department of Revenue, Affordable Housing, Judicial Court System/Access to Justice Fee, etc.)
    Provide public access to recorded documents and indices.

You may record your documents electronically through Simplifile, CSC and ePN. The links to the websites of the e-recording vendors are as follows:

All documents recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Division are public records which the general public can view and print them except for military discharges. A public review area is available in the Lehigh county courthouse for public searching. There is fee to make copies at $.25 per page. The records can be accessed online via the Lehigh County Website, Online Records Access section. Access requires you to establish an account and pay a yearly fee of $300.

Records can also be searched through the LANDEX Remote and LANDEX Webstore services. These are pay per access services. The links are as follows:

LANDEX Remote website:

LANDEX Webstore website:

The physical address of the Lehigh County Recorder of Deeds Office is:

Lehigh County Courthouse
Room 122
455 W. Hamilton Street
Allentown PA 18101-2400
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (610) 782-3162
Fax: (610) 871-2895
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Recording Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. E-recording documents received after 3:45 p.m.

Karen S. Collura is the Recorder of Deeds of Lehigh County. She can be contacted at (610) 782-3162 or emailed at [email protected]

Lehigh County Recorder of Deeds Office Staff:

Tammy Stahlnecker, Assistant Chief Deputy

Lehigh, PA Genealogy and Ancestry Records
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, USA Counties Data File Downloads
Total Ancestries Reported 2005-2009427,658
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - United States or American - 2005-200912,010
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Arab - 2005-20096,153
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - British - 2005-2009935
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Czech - 2005-20091,541
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Danish - 2005-2009417
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Dutch - 2005-20099,652
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - English - 2005-200919,273
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - European - 2005-20091,740
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - French (except Basque) - 2005-20096,415
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - French Canadian - 2005-20091,028
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - German - 2005-200999,279
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Greek - 2005-20092,268
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Hungarian - 2005-20099,029
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Irish - 2005-200942,350
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Italian - 2005-200934,268
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Lithuanian - 2005-20091,541
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Norwegian - 2005-2009917
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Polish - 2005-200917,029
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Portuguese - 2005-2009872
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Russian - 2005-20094,478
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Scotch-Irish - 2005-20093,388
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Scottish - 2005-20094,332
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Slovak - 2005-20099,832
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Subsaharan African - 2005-20091,117
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Swedish - 2005-20092,653
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Swiss - 2005-20091,460
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Ukrainian - 2005-20095,405
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Welsh - 2005-20097,302
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - West Indian (excluding Hispanic groups) - 2005-20092,101
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Other Groups - 2005-200985,481

Lehigh County Recorder of Deed Office
County Government Office

Address: 455 Hamilton St, Allentown, PA 18101, United States
Phone: 610-782-3162

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