Guernsey County OH

Lookup Public Records in Guernsey County, Ohio. Including Vital Birth and Death Records, Deeds, Probate, Property Records, Mortgages, Liens, Judgments, Marriage Licenses, Voter Registrar, Payroll, Military Discharges.

Guernsey County, Ohio

Located near the eastern border of Ohio, Guernsey County is named for the Isle of Guernsey in the English Channel. It is comprised of approximately 528 square miles, 522 of which are land. With a population of 40,087 as of the 2010 census, it is located in the Appalachian foothills. Guernsey County is bordered to the north by Tuscarawas County, the northeast by Harrison County, the east by Belmont County, the south by Noble County, the west by Muskingum County and the northwest by Coshocton County. There are 20 zip codes in Ohio, the most populous being, 43725 and 43723, comprising 63% of the population.

Guernsey County Officials Information

The Guernsey County Clerk also serves as the Court Clerk.
Guernsey County Clerk: Teresa A. Dankovic
Address: 801 Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-432-9230
Fax: 740-432-7807
Hours: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday
Closed Legal and County Holidays

The County Clerk for Guernsey County is responsible for court related documents from appeals, criminal and civil courts as well as titles for automobiles. She is also responsible for passports, protection orders and serves as a notary public. Many of the records within this office are considered public record, which means that they can be requested, at any time, during normal business hours. Some public records can also be requested via the online system and records search.

The County Recorder is responsible for documents and paperwork pertaining to real estate and encumbrances. This includes liens and chain of title. Documents are considered public record and can be requested, at any time, during normal business hours. Many records are also available via the online records search.

The Assessment Office is responsible for tax related documents regarding real and personal property within the county.
Guernsey County Assessment Office:
Address: 627 Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-432-9243
Fax: 740-4396265
Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday
The Assessment Office handles tax records as well as GIS maps, property lines and real estate transfers. This information is considered public record and is available via the online system. It is also available via an in person request, during normal business hours.

Assessor’s Website:

Guernsey County Court Information

When a case is filed the court records are then considered public record with few, limited, exceptions. Records that are not included by be related to domestic violence or juveniles, however other documents may also be redacted that contain sensitive information. Records can be requested from Guernsey County via in person request, during normal business hours, or directly from the online portal.

Guernsey, OH Genealogy and Ancestry Records
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, USA Counties Data File Downloads
Total Ancestries Reported 2005-200939,185
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - United States or American - 2005-20094,118
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Arab - 2005-2009191
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - British - 2005-200969
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Czech - 2005-2009222
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Danish - 2005-20098
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Dutch - 2005-20091,077
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - English - 2005-20095,286
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - European - 2005-2009297
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - French (except Basque) - 2005-20091,173
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - French Canadian - 2005-2009126
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - German - 2005-20098,961
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Greek - 2005-2009361
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Hungarian - 2005-2009363
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Irish - 2005-20095,798
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Italian - 2005-2009955
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Lithuanian - 2005-200921
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Norwegian - 2005-200993
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Polish - 2005-2009521
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Portuguese - 2005-20090
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Russian - 2005-200968
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Scotch-Irish - 2005-20091,145
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Scottish - 2005-2009859
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Slovak - 2005-2009809
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Subsaharan African - 2005-20090
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Swedish - 2005-2009180
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Swiss - 2005-200955
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Ukrainian - 2005-200924
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Welsh - 2005-2009686
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - West Indian (excluding Hispanic groups) - 2005-200938
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Other Groups - 2005-20094,815
Guernsey County Marriage License Office
In order to obtain a marriage license in Guernsey County, the applicants must apply together, in person, at the County Clerk’s office. Both parties must present their state-issued picture ID, military ID, or passport, and know their social security number
State Law:Marriage – Husband and Wife – Ch. 3101 & 3103 and Action to Set Aside Antenuptial or Separation Agreement – §2106.22
All State Statutes: Information is online at the State Website
Office:Greene County Marriage License
Location:45 North Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio, 45385

Guernsey County Recorder’s Office

Address: 627 Wheeling Ave Ste 305 Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-432-9275

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