Lookup Public Records in Silver Bow County, Montana. Including Vital Birth and Death Records, Deeds, Probate, Property Records, Mortgages, Liens, Judgments, Marriage Licenses, Voter Registrar, Payroll, Military Discharges.

Butte-Silver Bow County, Montana Overview

Butte-Silver Bow County is located in the U.S. state of Montana. The county was formed in 1881 and named after Silver Bow Creek; there are multiple theories explaining how the creek was named. The county seat is Butte. According to the U.S. Census Bureau of 2018, the county has a population of approximately 39,415 people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 719 square miles of which 718 square miles is land and 0.6 square miles is water. Butte-Silver Bow County borders the following counties: Deer Lodge County to the northwest; Jefferson County to the east; Madison County to the south and Beaverhead County to the southwest. Butte-Silver Bow County has eight zip codes. The zip codes are 59711, 59701, 59750, 59703, 59727, 59743, 59748 and 59759. The most populated zip code is 59701.

Butte-Silver Bow County Land Records Office Information

The Butte-Silver Bow Land Records Office is responsible for the modernization and maintenance of all land records and tracking of property ownership through GIS (Geographic Information System) in Butte-Silver Bow County. All land-related work, including cadastral mapping, property ownership transfers, delinquent property tax parcel management, property ownership codes, property addressing, SID (Special Improvement Districts) management, and the sale of county-owned property under the Council of Commissioners’ Adjacent Landowner Policy are done by the Land Records Office.

To access Butte-Silver Bow Records online, please visit iDoc Market website. The link is provided below:

Realty Transfer Certificates

The Realty Transfer Certificate (RTC) assists the State of Montana in providing fair and equitable taxation to all its citizens, as well as providing the ability to improve compliance by nonresidents and out-of-state companies. All information requested on the RTC is furnished by the preparer in order for an ownership to be changed on real property for property tax purposes.

Butte-Silver Bow County Land Records Office Website:

The physical address of the Butte-Silver Bow County Land Records Office is:

Courthouse, Room 208
155 W. Granite St.
Butte, MT 59701
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6336
Fax: (406) 497-6328
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Patrick J. Riordan is the Chairman (Land and Sales Committee) of Butte-Silver Bow County. He can be contacted at (406) 497-6262 or emailed at [email protected]

Butte-Silver Bow County Land Records Office Staffs:

Patsy Coates, Land Records Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6348

Sandy Parini, Land Records Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6338

Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk of District Courts Office Information

The Clerk of the District Court is an elected position with a four-year term. The Clerk is the custodian of the District Court records. The records currently consist of both physical documents and electronic records.

Cases Administered in District Court are as follows:

  • Civil legal matters.
  • Family and domestic law.
  • Felony criminal cases.
  • Estates, guardianships, and conservatorships.

The Clerk of the Court issues marriage licenses and maintains all marriage records. The office issues marriage licenses between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The Clerk’s office is a U.S. Passport Acceptance Facility of Butte-Silver Bow County. Passport applications are processed in this office and the office accepts new passport applications between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk of District Courts Office Website:

The physical address of the Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk of District Courts Office is:

Courthouse, Room 313
155 W. Granite St.
Butte, MT 59701
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6350
Fax: (406) 497-6358
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Tom Powers is the Deputy Clerk of Courts of Butte-Silver Bow County. He can be contacted at (406) 497-6357 or emailed at [email protected]

Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk of the District Courts Office Staffs:

Kelly Deehan, Clerk of Court Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6352

Jenny Holm, Clerk of the Court Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6356

Leann Loggins, Clerk of the Court Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6353

Jeanmarie Morgan, Clerk of the Court Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6355

Jennifer Powers, Clerk of Court Staff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6354

Beth Parks, Chief Deputy Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6351

Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk and Recorder’s Office Information

The Clerk and Recorder is an elected position and is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City and County of Butte-Silver Bow. The Clerk and Recorder also serves as the government’s Chief Election Officer. The Clerk and Recorder is responsible for processing all vouchers and writes warrants approved by the Council of Commissioners’ Finance and Budget Committee. Birth and death records, military discharges, deeds, mortgages, satisfactions, certificates of surveys, subdivisions, liens, leases, powers of attorneys, accounting, budgets, inventory, payroll and claims processing are handed in this office. As government’s Chief Election Officer, the Clerk and Recorder is responsible for maintaining voter records, conducting primary, general and other county elections, preparing ballot layouts, and other election related duties.

To download the birth certificate request/application form, visit the following link:

To download the death certificate request/application form, click the following link:

To view the filing/recording fee schedule of the Clerk and Recorder’s Office, click the following link below:

Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk and Recorder’s Office Website:

The physical address of the Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk and Recorder’s Office is:

Butte-Silver Bow Courthouse
Room 208
155 W. Granite St.
Butte, MT 59701
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6342
Voting: (406) 497-6344
Official Records: (406) 497-6345
Land Ownership: (406) 497-6336
Fax: (406) 497-6328
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sally Hollis is the Clerk and Recorder of Butte-Silver Bow County. She can be contacted at (406) 497-6342 or emailed at [email protected]

Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk and Recorder’s Office Staffs:

Julie Brandon, Chief Deputy
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6344

Colleen Safratowich, Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6340

Sajor Linda, Deputy Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6344

Laura Sargent, Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6346

Dan Walsh, Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6339

Joyce Wilcox, Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (406) 497-6335

Silver Bow, MT Genealogy and Ancestry Records
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, USA Counties Data File Downloads
Total Ancestries Reported 2005-200946,111
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - United States or American - 2005-20091,115
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Arab - 2005-2009190
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - British - 2005-200949
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Czech - 2005-200975
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Danish - 2005-2009358
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Dutch - 2005-2009507
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - English - 2005-20095,660
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - European - 2005-2009245
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - French (except Basque) - 2005-20091,594
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - French Canadian - 2005-2009544
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - German - 2005-20098,101
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Greek - 2005-2009153
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Hungarian - 2005-200998
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Irish - 2005-200910,878
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Italian - 2005-20092,702
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Lithuanian - 2005-200925
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Norwegian - 2005-20092,363
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Polish - 2005-2009618
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Portuguese - 2005-200955
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Russian - 2005-2009259
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Scotch-Irish - 2005-2009884
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Scottish - 2005-2009731
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Slovak - 2005-200959
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Subsaharan African - 2005-20094
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Swedish - 2005-20091,107
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Swiss - 2005-2009106
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Ukrainian - 2005-200964
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Welsh - 2005-2009357
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - West Indian (excluding Hispanic groups) - 2005-20090
Persons Reporting Total Ancestry As - Other Groups - 2005-20094,381
Silver Bow County Marriage License Office
In order to obtain a marriage license in Silver Bow County, the applicants must apply together, in person, at the County Clerk’s office. Both parties must present their state-issued picture ID, military ID, or passport, and know their social security number
State Law:Marriage – Husband and Wife – Title 40 Chapters 1 & 2 and Uniform Premarital Agreement Act – Title 40 Chapter 2 Part 6
All State Statutes: Information is online at the State Website
Office:Silver Bow County Marriage License
Location:155 West Granite Street, Butte, Montana, 59701

Silver Bow County District Clerk
County Government Office

Address: 126 W Granite St, Butte, MT 59701, United States
Phone: 406-497-6200

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